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Chocobobutt's ToTheCause Page

Get 1,000 free StarDust by following Chocobobutt's Mechanyx.gg Profile for for free!

Mechanyx.gg is the ultimate creator profile designed to help creators connect with their audience using one succinct page. Get all Chocobobutt's social links, ToTheCause page, and other awesome Mechanyx.gg content - all in one place.

To redeem this offer hit the button below to visit Chocobobutt's profile page. Once you hit the "follow" button then 1,000 will be allocated to your .GG wallet automatically!

Get 5,000 free StarDust when you donate for the first time using ToTheCause™ by Mechanyx.gg!

Get more for your donation by automatically earning 5,000 StarDust the next time you donate! Currency will be automatically allocated once donation checkout is completed.

Get 10,000 free StarDust when you subscribe for the first time using ToTheCause™ by Mechanyx.gg!

Get more for your subscription by automatically earning 5,000 StarDust when you subscribe to this Cause! Currency will be automatically allocated once subscription checkout is completed.

If you are already a subscriber and want to see if you can still redeem this reward then reach out to the Cause and see if they can give you some StarDust manually - this of course is still up to the Cause's discretion.

Donate $10.00 or more and get double StarDust!

Also you will be doing your fellow StarDust owners a favor because EVERYONE WHO OWNS THIS CURRENCY WILL GET A GIFT EQUAL TO YOUR ORIGINAL DONATION AMOUNT.

For example if the threshold is $10 and you donate $10 then you would get 2,000 StarDust while everyone else gets 1,000 which is super cool too! Further there is no ceiling to this offer - so if you want to donate $100, $690, $420, or any other amount north of the threshold it still counts.

Feeling gift-y?

Everyone likes a good gift every once in a while - and with gifted subs you can give the community a whole bunch of gifts and make your generosity go the furthest with gifted subs through ToTheCause!

Gifted subs are available at all the tiers of subscription this cause has and you can give away as few as 1 or as many as you like!

If you want to start gifting and potentially making some peoples' days then hit the button below and we'll show you how to make it happen!

(don't worry - we'll take you to a checkout form but nothing will be charged until you fill it out)

You need to be signed in to gift some subs! If you don't have a Mechanyx.gg account you can sign up for one FOR FREE by clicking here

For you


DOUBLE StarDust for every sub you gift!*

Enjoy DOUBLE the StarDust for each sub you gift as a thank you to you for your generosity!

Yes...you heard right... for every sub you gift you receive twice the StarDust for the total amount you donate - whether you gift 1 $5 sub (which would net you 1,000 StarDust) or 100 $100 subs (which would get you a whopping 2,000,000 StarDust) the bonus remains the same!

*assuming the cause is using StarDust by Mechyanyx.gg and that you are signed in when you gift out the subs

You belong in the Hall of Fame

Everyone who gifts even one sub gets their username logged in this Cause's Gifted Hall of Fame - a special section on the Cause's page to celebrate you and the other generous members of the community!

Naturally you don't do it for the fame or the applause... but it's still nice to be recognized every once in a while! Think of this as that little extra bit of recognition for all that you do to support the community financially.

🐐 Gifting GOAT 🐐

Gifting GOAT Status

Get a special Gifting GOAT badge for your profile whenever you gift your first sub!

Of course you're not a literal goat...like "bahhh" goat... unless you are which is really sick!

But you are one of the greatest-of-all-time GOATs and we want to celebrate that with you!

For those getting the gift

Shenangians aplenty - courtesy of you!
(and StarDust*...)

If this cause is using StarDust by Mechanyx.gg to enable audience members to slap stickers, play sounds, and cause other shenanignas then those whom you gift subs to will enjoy some StarDust along with their gifted sub. So not only are they getting perks but also some StarDust to play with!

*assuming the cause is using StarDust by Mechyanyx.gg and that you are signed in when you gift out the subs

Perks for those who may not have ever had any...

ToTheCause is powerful in its ability to empower creators to create perks and unique incentives for those who support them. A lot of people naturally want these perks but may not have the ability to support financially.

But you can help with that! Gifted subs are so impactful to the community because they give perks and access to those who maybe have never had such perks or access before. Think of it: your gifted sub may be the thing that brightens someone's day and gives them some new and fun ways to connect with their favorite creators and causes.

That's super sick!

The Community gets gifts first

Gifted subs are allocated randomly to members of the community based on who is following the creator of this Cause first, and then if there are more gifts than followers they get doled out to the general Mechanyx.gg community!

This way people who are following and have an interest in the creator get the best chance of getting a gifted sub.

Additionally you can also tell us when you're gifting out subs if there is someone you want to gift to - naturally we will give them the gift first (assuming they aren't already subscribed) and then dole them out to followers and then the wider Mehanyx.gg community.

Gifted Subs Hall of Fame

Here at Mechanyx.gg we believe everyone who gifts even one sub is an absolute rockstar. While our competitors resolve to only show the top three we show off everyone!

Are you on the list yet? If not then consider gifting some subs by clicking the "gift some subs" link!

The Podium:


Up for Grabs!

Gift some subs to take the 1st place spot!


Up for Grabs!

Gift some subs to take the 2nd place spot!


Up for Grabs!

Gift some subs to take the 3rd place spot!

Help us keep .gg free!

Official Mechanyx.gg dono/sub page

Let's Get Connected!

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YEE-HAW! This site is developed by programmers, creatives, and other talented peeps in the great state of Texas.